Sunday, September 19, 2010


UGHHHHHH so, my family has been nuts latley, watching me like a hawk, and going on and on about how I have to eat, starvation mode etc etc. So I decided to say ok I'll do it their way and see how it works, it hasn't been very long but I joined a gym with my cousin and have been going to a class everyday, on top of doing cardio and have been eating normal, 1400 cals a day, no binges and all healthy foods. My cousin, lets call her Amy, has been pushing this strength training crap on me yada yada so I said I'd do it. I've been so fucking sore and haven't stepped on the scale, was feeling ok.

Well that went to fuck about 10 minutes ago. I stepped on the goddamned scale and I'm 145!!!!!! One hundred and forty five fucking pounds !!! How is that even fucking possible??? I measured my waist, which was 28.5, now its 30!!!!!! Around my belly button was 32, now 34!! I'm fucking huge, I'm getting fatter, what the fuckk. I'm actually freaking out. Bf comes home tomorrow and now I'm just as fucking fat as when he left. I'm crying my eyes out, I can't do this. I don't know what to do :(


  1. ok so the weight gain could be many things and most likely not fat. you are bound to put on a little bit if you are eating properly, thats just food in your digestive system. you could be storing more water than usual, especially if you have been exercising. could be getting ur period. also you are building muscle mass which is denser and therefore heavier than fat. the amount you are eating should not make you put on wieght in the long run. stay strong darling. xo

  2. ditto on what acka11 said. you mite want to try eating 900 cal a day but doing the same workout program, that will help you see results

  3. Keep calm and carry on. Try and cut down on kcal, eat GOOD kcals rather than bad ones (i.e. fruit over cereal bars), but DO NOT GIVE UP! you CAN do this, we all have setbacks!! much love xxxxx

  4. i agree with the others hun
    eat way ehalthy cut ur cals down an dlil and drink lots of water
    u could of just gained mucle mass from all the workiing out u did hun
    but exercise is good
