Sunday, September 5, 2010


So yesterday went pretty good. I ate 1/2 of a 6" chicken sub with just mustard for about 150cals, a some soup for 50 cals and a bite of a cookie that my mother made. Had to taste so no one would say anything. So I'd say I met the 300 calorie goal I set for myself. 

I went down to visit my parents yesterday and my brother and very skinny sister were there. I made sure to go down after supper time so if they offered me any food I can say I was just after eating my supper home. I've lost about 11 pounds in the last almost 2 weeks. I don't think it's noticeable at all just by looking at me but I'm fitting into my old jeans that haven't fit for a while. Well I get down and my father tells me I'm going away to nothing and do I want supper. I say I just ate my supper. Then my mother won't stop commenting you've lost weight haven't you, I say I don't know I've been eating healthy and exercising. She continues to try to get me to eat something , I say no I'm not hungry, getting annoyed now. So finally I get a some fucking soup just to shut them up, only 50 calories though : ) 
Then me and my brother are watching tv, I say I don't know what theyre problem is, I look fine. ( I purposley wore a baggy shirt- one that is meant to be worn baggy, so that they wouldn't be able to notice if I looked smaller) He says well you're small enough you don't need to lose any more weight, you don't even have a double chin anymore. WOW thanks dickhead. That's the whole point. I mean I'm just at normal weight for my height. I'm only 5'3. My BMI is 24.6, normal is 18.5-24.9. WTFF Then my mother wouldn't stop trying to shove food in my face, I said go ask Alexa if she wants some she's skinnier than me leave me alone. She says NO I"M NOTT. As if. Anyways, now I have to go to dinner with them all because it's my grandmother's birthday and my parents are cooking a big dinner at their house for the whole family. I'm going to try to keep the calories low. 

Oh , my weight was 139 again today but my waist is gone down. Last month sometime it was 30inches , today it's 28.5 : ) : ) !!

Think skinny my followers, we can do it !! xo


A little thinspo for you :)