Thursday, September 9, 2010

Everyone wants a body to die forr

God I'm so fucking coldd today, my fingers are like ice. On a better note, I did excellent yesterday with fasting, had only water and at the end of the night I had a glass of diet pepsi and some sugar free gum. 

Today has went good so far, its 12:42pm, I've had about 4 glasses of water and a peice of gum, I don't even feel hungry at all, no pain in my stomach and no growling, weird. I will make it til tomorrow evening then I might go for another few days after the supper, all depends on how I'm feeling.I got dizzy a couple times today when I stood up but nothing too bad.

I was 135lbs this morning !!!! Wooo !! Met my first goal, I'm fucking pumpedd. Now I know I'll definatly going to stay on my fast plan until tomorrow evening. I'm been researching the resteraunt that my pop picked out and decided that I'm going to go with something with lots of veggies and maybe some chicken. I won't eat it all, I'll distract people from noticing by ordering lots of drinks, sharing with others, talking and picking etc. I absolutley hate eating at resteraunts, I hate not knowing exactly how many calories I'm putting into my body, whos hands were on my food, if they're a clean person or a dirtbagg, I'm getting grossed out just thinking about it. But I have to make it appear that I'm fine. I won't mention the word diet or say I'm trying to eat low cal, instead I'll just say that I want something healthier. 

Oh my bit of a ramble there haha oh well at least if I'm typing this I'm not thinking about eating. I come on this a lot during the day to read everyone's blogs and look at their pictures, I love it. It really helps. Keep posting my beautiess !Well that's all for now I'm going to go get a hott shower to try to warm up this bodyy. Think thinnn lovliess !



  1. yay forme uyr goal hun
    an di hate restraurnats too i have to go to one every friday yes every friday the boy takes me out at least i can order myown food now b4 i coudlnt he would order for me o yeah he knows aobu tmy ed so
    but keep going strong on ur fast hun

  2. well done reaching your goal lovely :)
    restaurants are so lame. when i go out with friends/family i always say (when i know everyone's listening) that i had a really big lunch or something so if i order something small/don't eat it all there's an excuse there. good luck xx
