Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Skinny thoughts

134 lbs this morning.

Back where I was, all it does it remind me that I could be even lower if I wasn't such a pig. Oh well that's all I can do now. My fast went great yesterday, drank fuck loads of water, some with 5 cal crystal light added, lotss of gum and 1 glass of diet pepsi. I aslo had a 5 calories jello. 

I decided after reading someone else's blog that I'm only going to read while on the treadmill. I lovee reading and once I get into a book I can't put it down. So if I want to read it I'm going to have to exercise as well. I think it's an awesome idea. I got an hour and a half in yesterday doing this : ) 

I'm going to keep fasting today, might have a cup of soup (50 cals) later if I really need something, but going to try not to. I feel great today : ) I think it's going to be a good day.

I hope everyone else is feeling good. Oh and thanks for all your lovley comments last night, I didn't bingee thank god and the boy and I are now fine : ) 

Think skinny my beautiess, Lots of loveee 


  1. im glad taht ur fast is gong well
    keep up the great work
    and reading while working outis great isnt it

  2. ah that's such a good idea - i might start taking my uni readings to the gym = mental and physical workout :) i'm sure you'll have a good day - you've been doing great xx

  3. Your basically the same weight i am when i last weighed myself. :) good luck with the fast! Stay strong. ox

  4. good luck with the fast i'm sure you can get your weight down!

    lots of love S xoxo

  5. Hey i'm a new follower, just thought i'de introduce myself :-) good luck fasting today and i look forward to hearing your progress. H x
